lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Food around the world

Food around the world

Children and teenagers learn best when they are attracted to the material you present to them.
You can design your own vídeos so in that way you can select the vocabulary or specific things to show your children or students.
Here you are a good vídeo to show children or teenagers when talking about food.
It contains some vocabulary about food around the world, healthy and unhealthy food, junk food... So you can discuss with them about it! 

domingo, 9 de octubre de 2016

Up to ten!


There is an amazing web page that can help students to learn English with songs, cartoons and activities that can not only be done online but you can print them and bring them to any place.

Check this page and leave your child or your students find out the funniest activities to learn what they are interested in. 

English is funny!


Children can learn in different ways and they do love teaching while they have fun. If you want to have fun with your child or with your students you can visit the following web page where you can find so entertaining games for children to learn English. 

You can find grammar, writing, spelling and reading games that can help you child or students to want to learn more and more!

Learning do not need to be boring



Use it at home

Use it in class

If parents or teachers would like to teach their children or students English but they do not like learn in a boring way, there is an amazing way to teach them, it is by watching videos that contain vocabulary and grammar things that can help the children or students to learn in a funny and entertaining way. 

You can visit this web page that has a good variety of good videos that you can see with your children or students in order to be part of their learning. 

sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016

Successful children

Successful children

Many parents think that solving their children’s life is the best way to help them but it is not.

This article by Katina Stefanova tells us how parents can help their children to succeed in life without exaggerating. There are some tips that this author gives us to elicit our sons or our students to prepare themselves to the life and to start making responsible (in their own possibilities) of their decisions and actions. It is important to let our children express themselves, their likes, their interests and passions by exploring the world. 

lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

Reading for children

Dear Scarlet

Dear Scarlet is a book which contains a good story for children.
This story talks about a girl's father who was a thief and when he died he left his daughter some interesting things that can demonstrate that he was not the person everybody thought.

With those things Scarlet starts an adventure following the clues and looking for answers or more things that show something about her father's life.

It can be a good way for parents to have some reading sessions with their sons or for teachers to develop reading sessions for children. The story can engage children to want to know more, teachers elicit reading on students and make them learn vocabulary within entertaining ways.

Fleur Hitchcock

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

Not only listen students but hear them

Not only listen students but hear them

Sometimes we as teachers, having many students in our classroom do not consider important to pay attention to what every student say but it is really important to make students feel that you actually hear and understand what she/he say and you are interested on that. For students means a lot if you as their teacher demonstrate interest on what she/he wants to express.
This page contains some information about some tips that parents can use with their children to show interest and make them feel they are being heard. This information can also be applied to kinder garden teachers.